Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What happens when you mix a cockatoo and the Backstreet Boys?

This video. My dad sent it to me today. I haven't shown it to Quinn yet, but she will undoubtedly say, "birdie dancing" and possibly "birdie big hair*."

If you click the play button on this one, just be aware that I am not to be held responsible for any body rocking-related injuries or the mental anguish of having this song stuck in your head.

*"Big Hair" was also Quinn's description of the recent picture of Amy Winehouse on the cover of Entertainment Weekly.

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

This is the video that I was referring to in my first post. The hippo and dog one, not the dead penguin one. Quinn likes it a lot. There are a number of other videos of these characters, but most of them seem to be elaborate fart jokes. The origin of these characters is Pixar, but I haven't been able to determine *exactly* where this is from.

Welcome to Kid Vid

So, last night my daughter Quinn and I were playing on YouTube. I think we were watching that one with the hippo and the dog doing The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Afterwards, Quinn pointed to a cartoony penguin on an iceberg. Seemed harmless enough. Turns out that the big penguin throws one of the annoying little ones in the water and it gets eaten by a shark or sea lion or something. Quinn says, "birdie got a bone" as the decapitated head floats by with a bone sticking out. Um...yeah...

Anyway, I decided that there WERE tons of videos out there that are safe for kids to watch. I thought I would put the movies here instead of there. This way we can have a safe place to watch and your kids can too.

Please remember that YouTube will always add suggestions to the little window unit and I have no control over those. Scroll to a new post instead of clicking one of those.